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New Features
last_seen_time is now added to Software applications and Software application devices
first_seen_time added to all software application models
The Ingestion Endpoint URL can be accessed from the "System Configuration" page now.
The new targets_input in Benthos is now leveraged for the azure_blob_storage input component.
Feature Enhancements
DataBee now enforces uniformity on os.type names across all feeds.
Software Application is changed from type 2 to type 1.
The logic for Software application mapping tables is updated according to first time and activity id.
The application_lifecycle.metadata.product.name is used as the source for cdp.software_application_owners.
The cdp.software_application_owners is updated to use the latest not null key.
In Core Data Products(CDP), the user and device active column logic is updated to use the max(modified_time, hid) and non-null end_time as the active row.
The widget name is now updated from ‘Highest Severity Findings from Databee (Last week)' to 'Timeline Highest Severity Findings from Databee (Last week)'.
The OCSF schema and shared logic are updated to make usernames case insensitive and store them as lowercase in the database.
If the potential owner's full name is not available, the UI now displays the email address of the owner.
The Azure Blob ingest in DataBee is updated to optionally listen to Azure Blob storage events.
Bug fixes
The issue where the CDP logs go into an error state, and successfully run the next time, is fixed.
The occurrence of duplicate rows in organization_hierarchy CDP table is fixed.
The issue where the entity view displayed way too many potential owners is fixed.
The issue where the Discovered Owners table displays only a single entry with one potential owner is fixed.
The issue where the user interface fails to properly validate Transfer-Encoding headers, which could lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS), is fixed.
On the entity details page, the issue where potential owners are displayed, but the selected owners are not visible in some situations, is fixed.
The issue where the activity table contains multiple rows with the same timestamp is fixed.
The table metadata error affecting some Entity Resolution write operations is fixed.
JSON serialization error is fixed.
The issue of expired Authentication tokens in some clusters is fixed.
The issue where 2 records with the same modified_time were not properly checked against the device record with the highest hid is fixed.