- 15 Jan 2025
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October 2024
- Updated on 15 Jan 2025
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New Features
Entity page URLs can now be shared and will retain all filter settings for the timeline.
A new GET API endpoint is added to retrieve data feed health alert settings.
Backward compatibility is added for API ingest V2 wizards to incrementally transition feeds to the new format.
The constant filter parameters are added to the dependent API URLs.
Feature Enhancements
The timelines and related entity node graphs have entity-specific (i.e., device, user and application) defaults.
The clicking the DataBee logo now takes you to the default home page you have set.
The help text on the profile page is updated to include additional pages.
The size, alignment, and show more functionality of the Content Delivery Dashboard Templates is updated.
Added the following fields to the BeeKeeper configuration page
Days to Initiate Conversations
Earliest Contact Time
Latest Contact Time
BeeKeeper’s conversation status of potential owners is displayed on the device entity page.
Closed out entities are suppressed from the dashboard widgets page.
The tooltip message for the 'Include Events from Device Owner' checkbox has been improved for clarity when the checkbox is disabled.
The Show/Hide Details capability is removed from the Entity detailed view page.
The detection chaining Build and Add link tabs are replaced with modals.
Security icon is updated to match the top-navigation and security configuration icons.
OCSF updated to the version 1.3.
The entity rollback process has been enhanced to include only base tables.
Added support for OAuth access tokens that include JWT claims for API integrations.
The owner discovery configuration defaults are updated.
The default value of owner discovery enabled configuration is now False.
To change the owner inference wait period you must have purchased the security hygiene entitlement.
Bug Fixes
The issue where the new data source created is stuck at the processing status is fixed.
The issue where an unresponsive BeeKeeper conversation does not set the conversation to inactive is fixed.
The issue with updating the array field in Entity Management from the DataBee UI is fixed.
The issue where the Histogram date and time are displayed incorrectly in the Search page is fixed.
The issue where the inactive devices are displayed on the related entity node graph, and the asset owned list on the user entity view, is fixed.
The issue where the force owner inference modal does not close after success or error, is fixed.
The issue where the Search API limit was not being honored is fixed.
The issue where the entity age-out thread crashes on time comparison, is fixed.