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Snyk application security platform helps organizations find, fix, and monitor vulnerabilities in their code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure.
Integration Method: API
Tables: Compliance Finding, Vulnerability Finding, Detection Finding.
This integration has been tested against the Snyk Application Security API version 2024-05-23.
Snyk Application Security Configuration
Log in to the Snyk console
Navigate to the bottom left corner of the profile and click on it.
Select 'Account Settings'.
If you already have a token, copy the API key.
If you don't have a token, create a new one. Click on Revoke and Regenerate.
Click OK
Copy the API token.
Navigate to 'Settings' and copy the Organization ID.
DataBee Configuration
Log in to the DataBee console and navigate to Data > Data sources tab. Click on Add New Data Source.
Search for Snyk Application and click on it.
Click on API Ingest.
Enter the required details in the form and click Next.
In the detailed configuration dialog, enter the following information:
Authorization Method: Bearer Token
Token: Enter the API key that we generated above.
Organization Id: Enter Organization Id.
Click on the Submit button.