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Workday is a provider of cloud-based software that specializes in applications for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human capital management (HCM). It offers a comprehensive solution for medium to large-sized businesses, particularly those with many locations, helping them manage employee data.
Integration Method: API
Tables: User Inventory, Authentication, Web Resource Activity
Integration Details
DataBee integrates with Workday for the purpose of building the organization hierarchy, which is used in other views. DataBee connects to 3 API endpoints:
Workers details to get supervisoryOrganization.id
Retrieve manager.id from the supervisoryOrganizations
Manager’s details from the workers detail endpoint.
This integration has been tested against the Workday staffing API version v6 and common API version v1.
Workday Configuration
DataBee will require three parameters: Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token.
To register the API client, follow the Workday documentation link below.
When choosing the GRANT TYPE, choose Authorization Code Grant. The optional settings can be ignored.
Details for the steps can be found here:
Create Workday Client: https://doc.workday.com/admin-guide/en-us/authentication-and-security/authentication/oauth/dan1370797831010.html
Register API Client: https://doc.workday.com/admin-guide/en-us/authentication-and-security/authentication/oauth/dan1370797831458.html
Registering API Clients
Access the Register API Client for Integrations task.
Enter the Client Name.
Select the Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens check box.
From the Scope (Functional Areas) prompt, select Integration.
Workday generates an API Client for Integrations with an Authorization Code Grant client grant type and a Bearer access token type. Workday also generates a unique Client ID and Client Secret.
Copy the Client Secret before you navigate away from the page and store it securely. If you lose the Client Secret, re-generate it using the Generate New API Client Secret task.
Generate New Refresh Token
Access the View API Clients report to get the refresh token.
Select the link of the API client that you've created
From the drop-down menu on the View API Client page, select API Client > Manage Refresh Tokens for Integrations.
Select the Workday Account from the prompt. No more than 1 refresh token can exist for a given integrations API client and Workday account pair.
Select Confirm Delete or Generate New Refresh Token to delete the existing refresh token or generate a new one. You can select both options to delete the existing refresh token and replace it with a new one.
Remember to save the Client ID, Client Secret, Authorization Endpoint, and Refresh Token Endpoint. This information will be used when configuring DataBee.
The proper scope may need to be added for API access
Operation | Domain Security Policy | Functional Areas |
View Only | Manage: Organization Roles | Organizations and Roles |
Get Only | Manage: Organization Roles | Organizations and Roles |
View Only | Reports: Organization | Organizations and Roles |
Get Only | Reports: Organization | Organizations and Roles |
View Only | Worker Data: Public Worker Reports | Staffing |
Get Only | Worker Data: Public Worker Reports | Staffing |
View Only | Worker Data: Workers | Staffing |
Get Only | Worker Data: Workers | Staffing |
View Only | Reports: Manager | Staffing |
DataBee Configuration
Log into the DataBee console, navigate to the Data>Data source tab and click the Add New Data Source button
Search for Workday and click it
Click on the API Ingest option for the collection method.
Provide contact information for the Workday source, and click Next
In the configuration dialog, enter the following:
Authentication Method: OAuth2
Refresh Token: Enter the refresh token from Workday configuration
Client Key: Enter the client id generated
Client Secret: Enter the client secret generated
Token URL: Replace the <tenant> placeholder with your workday instance
API URL: Replace the <tenant> placeholder with your workday instance
Click Submit