  • 20 Nov 2024
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Article summary

Owner/Additional Owners_ownersoptionaljson_t ArrayDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. Device.additional_owners: Other possible owners of a device. This is added to allow an array of owners, but when there is only one owner, the owner field should be populated.
Modified Timeactiveoptionalboolean_tDevice.modified_time: The time when the device was last known to have been modified.
Created Timecreated_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.created_time: The time when the device was known to have been created.
Domaindomainoptionalstring_tDevice.domain: The network domain where the device resides. For example:
End Timeend_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.end_time: The end time of when a particular state of the user was valid. Using the start_time and end_time together bound the time when a particular user state was valid. If there is no end_time it tells the analyst that this is the current state of the user as DataBee understands it. There will ever only be a single user for which the end_time is null.
Environmentenvironmentoptionalstring_tDevice.environment: The operational environment in which the device exists. For example: Production, Development, QA.
First Seenfirst_seen_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.first_seen_time: The initial discovery time of the device.
Groups Namegroup_namesoptionalstring_t ArrayDevice.groups: The group names to which the device belongs. For example: ['Windows Laptops', 'Engineering'] The group name.
History IDhidrequiredinteger_tDevice.hid: The unique DataBee ID to identify a particular history entry in an object table. This field is the PK and should not be mapped manually as the DataBee product populates this field itself.
Hostnamehostnamerecommendedstring_tDevice.hostname: The device hostname.
Hardware Info BIOS Manufacturerhw_info_bios_manufactureroptionalstring_tDevice.hw_info: The endpoint hardware information.| DeviceHwInfo.bios_manufacturer: The BIOS manufacturer. For example: LENOVO.
Hardware Info Serial Numberhw_info_serial_numberoptionalstring_tDevice.hw_info: The endpoint hardware information. DeviceHwInfo.serial_number: The device manufacturer serial number. 
Hypervisorhypervisoroptionalstring_tDevice.hypervisor: The name of the hypervisor running on the device. For example, Xen, VMware, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, etc. The unique identifier used by DataBee for a specific device. This will be logged as device_id in activity tables to link to a particular device in this table. This field should not be mapped manually as the DataBee product populates this field itself.
Image Nameimage_nameoptionalstring_tDevice.image: The image used as a template to run the virtual machine. The image name. For example: elixir.
IMEIimeioptionalstring_tDevice.imei: The International Mobile Station Equipment Identifier that is associated with the device. For example: 123456789012345
Instance IDinstance_uidrecommendedstring_tDevice.instance_uid: The unique identifier of a VM instance. For example: 56 4d ef 2d 3f d4 14 e2-2e 04 c5 34 3a ec ee 65 for a VMWare UUIDE.
IP Addressiprecommendedstring_tDevice.ip: The device IP address, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.
Compliant Deviceis_compliantoptionalboolean_tDevice.is_compliant: The event occurred on a compliant device.
Managed Deviceis_managedoptionalboolean_tDevice.is_managed: The event occurred on a managed device.
Personal Deviceis_personaloptionalboolean_tDevice.is_personal: The event occurred on a personal device.
Trusted Deviceis_trustedoptionalboolean_tDevice.is_trusted: The event occurred on a trusted device. 
Last Seenlast_seen_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.last_seen_time: The most recent discovery time of the device.
Geo Location Citylocation_cityoptionalstring_tDevice.location: The geographical location of the device. The name of the city. For example: san diego.
Geo Location Countrylocation_countryoptionalstring_tDevice.location: The geographical location of the device. The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. For the complete list of country codes see `ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes <>`_. 
MAC Addressmacoptionalstring_tDevice.mac: The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the endpoint. 
Modified Timemodified_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.modified_time: The time when the device was last known to have been modified.
Network Interfaces Hostnamenetwork_interfaces_hostnamesoptionalstring_t ArrayDevice.network_interfaces: The network interfaces that are associated with the device, one for each unique MAC address/IP address/hostname/name combination. 
Network Interfaces IP Addressnetwork_interfaces_ipsoptionalstring_t ArrayDevice.network_interfaces: The network interfaces that are associated with the device, one for each unique MAC address/IP address/hostname/name combination.
Network Interfaces MAC Addressnetwork_interfaces_macsoptionalstring_t ArrayDevice.network_interfaces: The network interfaces that are associated with the device, one for each unique MAC address/IP address/hostname/name combination.
Organization Organization and org unit related to the device. The name of the organization. For example, Widget, Inc.
Organization Org Unit Organization and org unit related to the device.
Organization.ou_name: The name of the organizational unit, within an organization.  For example, Finance, IT, R&D.
OS Nameos_nameoptionalstring_tDevice.os: The endpoint operating system. The operating system name.
OS Typeos_typeoptionalstring_tDevice.os: The endpoint operating system.
Os.type: The type of the operating system. 
OS Versionos_versionoptionalstring_tDevice.os: The endpoint operating system.
Os.version: The version of the OS running on the device that originated the event. For example: 'Windows 10', 'OS X 10.7', or 'iOS 9'. 
Owner Email Addressowner_email_addroptionalstring_tDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. User.email_addr: The user's primary email address. For example:
Owner Employee IDowner_employee_uidoptionalstring_tDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. User.employee_uid: The employee identifier assigned to the user by the organization. 
Owner Full Nameowner_full_nameoptionalstring_tDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. User.full_name: The full name of the person, as per the LDAP Common Name attribute (cn).
Owner Nameowner_namerecommendedstring_tDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. The username. For example, janedoe1.
Owner IDowner_user_idoptionalinteger_tDevice.owner: The primary owner of a device. The unique identifier used by DataBee for a specific user. This will be logged as user_id in activity tables to link to a particular user in this table. This field should not be mapped manually as the DataBee product populates this field itself.
Record Created Atrecord_created_atrequiredtimestamp_tCDPs generated timestamp when record was created.
Record Updated Atrecord_updated_atrequiredtimestamp_tCDPs generated timestamp when record was last updated.
Regionregionrecommendedstring_tDevice.region: The region where the virtual machine is located. For example, an AWS Region. 
Selected Owner Selected Onselected_onoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.selected_owner: The owner selected by a DataBee user to assign to a device. Keys in object are user_id an integer, user_email a string and selected_on a datetime.
SelectedOwner.selected_on: The time when the owner selection was made.
Selected Owner User Emailselected_owner_user_emailoptionalstring_tDevice.selected_owner: The owner selected by a DataBee user to assign to a device. Keys in object are user_id an integer, user_email a string and selected_on a datetime.
SelectedOwner.user_email: The email address of the DataBee user that made the selection. 
Selected Owner User IDselected_owner_user_idoptionalinteger_tDevice.selected_owner: The owner selected by a DataBee user to assign to a device. Keys in object are user_id an integer, user_email a string and selected_on a datetime.
SelectedOwner.user_id: This is the id that DataBee uses to link this to a specific user.
Backtracesourcesrecommendedstring_t ArrayDevice.backtrace: This object is a key value set that relates each field in the user to the earliest raw event that gave DataBee that particular value in the correlation. For example, {'email_addr': 'email_activity.key=123456'} 
Start Timestart_timeoptionaltimestamp_tDevice.start_time: The start time when a particular state of the user became valid.
Typetypeoptionalstring_tDevice.type: The device type. For example: unknown, server, desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile, virtual, browser, or other.
VPC UIDvpc_uidoptionalstring_tDevice.vpc_uid: The unique identifier of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For example: Often the VPC ARN similar to: arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:vpc/vpc-1234567890abcdef0.

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