Application Devices
  • 18 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Application Devices

  • Dark

Article summary


The Application Devices CDP is a mapping table and should be used to join devices to the applications installed. The CDP is ideal for answering questions of which devices are currently running the application or have done so in the past.

Understanding the Table

A new row will be created in the database for each unique combination of application_id and device_id. This ensures that every distinct pairing of applications and devices is accounted for and tracked individually.

To determine if an application is active, you should use the last_seen_time along with a specified time range. This method is particularly useful when the end_time is not captured or available.


Example Queries

Find all records for a given device or application id

SELECT * FROM application_devices where end_date is null and device_id = {id} 
SELECT * FROM application_devices where end_date is null and application_id = {id}

Find all active entities and their latest row

SELECT * FROM application_devices WHERE end_time is null

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